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Secure Your Property with Doyle Security’s Intruder Detection Systems

Intruder detection serves as your final line of defense, alerting you to potential break-ins and safeguarding your property. At Doyle Security, we offer both monitored and self-monitored systems that comply with industry standards, including PD 6662 and BS EN 50131. Our intruder alarms in Yorkshire and nearby provide you with the upmost protection.

Rapid Response to Breaches

When your property’s barriers are breached, prompt action is crucial. Our intruder detection systems are designed to swiftly detect any unauthorized entry and alert you, the police, and other relevant parties to mitigate the risk of loss or damage.

Effective Intruder Detection Mechanisms

Upon detection, our systems trigger audible warnings, including bells and horns, to deter intruders and reduce their time on-site. We work closely with you to design a customised system tailored to your specific needs and compliant with relevant standards such as BS EN 50131 and PD6662.

Comprehensive Monitoring and Maintenance

Once installed, we provide ongoing monitoring and maintenance to ensure the continued effectiveness of your intruder detection system. Additionally, our manned response service offers peace of mind, with trained professionals ready to intervene in the event of an activation.

Choose Doyle Security for Reliable Intruder Detection Solutions

Trust Doyle Security to provide reliable intruder detection systems that protect your property and assets effectively. Contact us today to discuss your security requirements and learn more about our tailored solutions.


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